Belle Rock Farm

Fine chickens in Goodhue County since 2011.

Archive for May, 2012

Everybody present and accounted for…

Monday, May 14th, 2012

With all of the critters here, it’s definitely busy–but also fun. Morning chores are taking longer than I expected, and I can’t say that Nellie and Casey are fond of the milking process (neither am I!), but we’re getting the swing of things. Nellie likes to kick, and as soon as Casey runs out of […]

Busy, anyone?

Wednesday, May 2nd, 2012

Casey kidded just two days after Nellie, and had one monster buckling. He is outgrowing Nellie’s kids by leaps and bounds. Speaking of which, all the babies are starting to practice their leaps and bounds, and are pretty darn cute. They’ve finally decided to start sneaking through the fence, so we’ll have to make adjustments […]