by allison - March 8th, 2013.Filed under: General.
It’s the muddiest time of the year–of course, this is exacerbated by ducks who must play in any melting snow, flinging dirty water far and wide. They noisily waddle about, stopping only to splash and preen. On the upside, they have finally started laying–soon I should have more eggs than I can handle!
Nellie is due to kid in two short weeks. We are working on getting a new coop built for the various layers, so that the broiler coop can be used for kidding before the new chicks arrive the first week of April.
Our second pair of pigs seems quite happy to laze around in the sun while waiting for the ground to thaw. I’m hoping they will be finished by the end of the school year.
My bees didn’t survive the winter–we had some pretty serious cold snaps this year. The new package is due to arrive at the end of April, so once the snow melts I’ll have to get out to the hive to clean up.
Right now I’m planning on letting the garden have a year off. We have plenty on our plate for the summer, and since the pigs lived on the plot all winter, some composting will be required before it is suitable for much.
Here’s to warmer weather and longer days!